Monday, May 25, 2020

NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Mathematics Chapter 5 Understanding Elementary Shapes Exercise 5.8

Exercise 5.8

Q 1 - Ex 5.8 - Understanding Elementary Shape - NCERT Maths Class 6th - Chapter 5

Page No 108:

Question 1:

Examine whether the following are polygons. If any one among them is not, say why?


(a) It is not a polygon as it is not a closed figure.
(b) Yes, it is a polygon made of 6 sides.
(c) No, it is not made of line segments.
(d) No, it is not made of only line segments.

Q 2 - Ex 5.8 - Understanding Elementary Shape - NCERT Maths Class 6th - Chapter 5

Question 2:

Name each polygon.

Make two more examples of each of these.


(a) The given figure is a quadrilateral as this closed figure is made of 4
line segments. Two more examples are

(b) The given figure is a triangle as this closed figure is made of 3 line segments. Two more examples are

(c) The given figure is a pentagon as this closed figure is made of 5 line segments. Two more examples are

(d) The given figure is an octagon as this closed figure is made of 8 line segments. Two more examples are

Q 3 - Ex 5.8 - Understanding Elementary Shape - NCERT Maths Class 6th - Chapter 5

Question 3:

Draw a rough sketch of a regular hexagon. Connecting any three of its vertices, draw a triangle. Identify the type of the triangle you have drawn.


An isosceles triangle by joining three of the vertices of a hexagon can be drawn as follows.

Q 4 - Ex 5.8 - Understanding Elementary Shape - NCERT Maths Class 6th - Chapter 5

Question 4:

Draw a rough sketch of a regular octagon. (Use squared paper if you wish). Draw a rectangle by joining exactly four of the vertices of the octagon.


Q 5 - Ex 5.8 - Understanding Elementary Shape - NCERT Maths Class 6th - Chapter 5

Question 5:

A diagonal is a line segment that joins any two vertices of the polygon and is not a side of the polygon. Draw a rough sketch of a pentagon and draw its diagonals.


It can be observed here that AC, AD, BD, BE, CE are the diagonals.


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